Congressional Digest

Early in the last century, suffragette Alice Gram Robinson realized that discerning students of the legislative process had few places to turn to for, in her words, “an impartial view of controversial issues.” With the launch of Congressional Digest in 1921, Robinson pioneered what was to become an enduring publication format: the even-handed presentation of opposing views on contentious national questions, Pro & Con. Alice Gram Robinson’s vision of neutral analysis of current controversies is as essential to elevating policy debates in the era of 24/7 cable chatter as trusted, independent journalism was to offsetting a sensationalistic and censored press in the early twentieth century. Today, under the Congressional Digest banner, students, teachers, librarians, policymakers, and other concerned citizens still have a time-honored, impartial source for information on controversial topics – with no agenda beyond the promotion of independent thought and a well-informed electorate.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

Premier source of chemical and physical property data, molecular structures, conversion tables, constants, formulas, equations, symbols and terminology. It has been published since 1913 and is updated and enhanced annually


Is made up of over 6000 online books that span over 40 disciplines. In addition to e-books published under the imprint of CRC Press, CRCnetBASE also includes online reference from Auerback and Chapman & Hall. The powerful research platform has been adopted throughout the world at academic and corporate institutions.


A comprehensive list of all of the EBSCO databases available to students at Southside Virginia Community College

Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management

Multidisciplinary database, provides coverage of the environmental sciences. Abstracts and citations are drawn from over 6000 serials including science journals, conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books and government publications.

Highwire Press

Internet imprint of the Stanford University Libraries and provides access to 921 journals in the sciences and medicine. Each journal must be searched separately. It hosts the largest repository of free, full-text, peer-reviewed content of 264 journals.

Institute of Physics Journals (IOP)

Provides full-text access to 35 IOP journals published since 1996 where available, and perpetual access to IOP's 2004 Historic Archive 1874-1994.

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Publishes papers based on original research that are judged to make a novel and important contribution to understanding the molecular and cellular basis of biological processes.

Journal of Cell Biology

Is an international peer-reviewed journal owned by The Rockefeller University and published by The Rockefeller University Press.


Database is an aggregate of hundreds of scientific, technical, and medical journals from over 50 publishers and societies and provides access to the full-text of nursing journals, including the American Journal of Nursing, Psychology Articles, as well as citations to hundreds of other journals. Limiting searches to only full-text journals is available through YOUR JOURNALS@Ovid.