English Verse Drama

Contains more than 2,200 works by around 500 named and over 300 works by unknown authors. English Verse Drama includes masques and short dramatic pieces written primarily in verse, selected translations, works written for children, and numerous adaptations by authors such as Sir William Davenport, Colley Cibber and David Garrick. It covers a period from the Shrewsbury Fragments of the late thirteenth century through the Elizabethan and Jacobean period to the end of the nineteenth century. The bibliographic basis of English Verse Drama is the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, Cambridge University Press, 1969-72 (NCBEL). The database aims to encompass the complete published corpus of verse dramas of writers listed in NCBEL who were active before 1900.Full text to 2,200 theatrical works of the late thirteenth century through the end of the nineteenth century.

Films on Demand

Films On Demand is a web-based digital video delivery platform that allows you to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7! Lease or purchase one or one hundred videos, or subscribe to one or more of our subject-specific streaming video collections. Thousands of videos are available for in-class use and remote viewing from the library, in the dorm, or at home.


Provides access to the content and pages of HARPER'S WEEKKLY. The Civil War Era section covers issues published from 1857-1877. The database provides indexing that matches 19th century words, phrases and images with today's terminology as well as digital images of every page of the magazine. Searches can be done by occupation or role in society, or by searching any combination of four indexes: subject, illustrations, literature, and publishing.

Historical Abstracts

Is an exceptional resource that covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 forward, including world history, military history, women’s history, history of education, and much more. This authoritative database provides selective indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955. With over 800,000 records, Historical Abstracts is unmatched in its scope and breadth of historical and related social science literature.

Humanities International Complete

Covers all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. Provides full-text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. Produced by Whitston Publishing (an imprint of EBSCO publishing), this database includes all data from HUMANITIES INTERNATIONAL INDEX (over 2.000 titles and 2 million records) plus unique full-text content, much of which is not found in other databases. This database includes full-text for more than 730 journals.

Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies publishes articles informed by historical inquiry and alert to issues raised by contemporary theoretical debate. The journal fosters rigorous investigation of historiographical representations of European and western Asian cultural forms from late antiquity to the seventeenth century. Its topics include art, literature, theater, music, philosophy, theology, and history, and it embraces material objects as well as texts; women as well as men; merchants, workers, and audiences as well as patrons; Jews and Muslims as well as Christians.

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

Assists both generalists and specialists in keeping abreast of the latest developments in disciplines concerned with the nature and use of language. Abstracts are drawn from approximately 2,000 serials published worldwide complemented with coverage of recent books, occasional papers, monographs, technical reports, and dissertations.

Literature Criticism Online/Short Story Criticism

For Short Stories only: Full-text biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses of more than 120,000 writers from a variety of periods and disciplines.

Literature Resource Center

Full-text articles from encyclopedias, journals, and reference works about authors, literary movements/genres, and criticism of author's works. One-stop searching from the Literature Resource Center, Modern Language International Bibliography, Scribner Writers Series, and Twain’s Author Series.

Magill's Literary Annual

Each year, Magill's Literary Annual critically evaluates 200 major examples of serious literature published during the previous calendar year. The philosophy behind our selection process is to cover works that are likely to be of interest to general readers, that are written by authors being taught in literature programs, and that will stand the test of time. By filtering the thousands of books published every year down to 200 notable titles, the editors have provided the busy librarian with an excellent reader's advisory tool and patrons with fodder for book discussion groups and a guide for choosing worthwhile reading material.